

perjantai 23. elokuuta 2013

Less than 48 hours to go !!

I don't really quite understand how the time has gone SOO fast during these couple of weeks and now it's less than 48 hours to go before my flight >.<
I have tried to buy everything I will need, could need and most likely may not ever even need and that really shows when I put all my things together and tried to pack a suitcase.. The good news is that all fit in... the bad news is that the weight came 20 kg over the limit^^' Well.. that was the first time. The second time I tried to reduce the amount of clothes and gifts so I packed them into a two different suitcases. The result... The first was still highly over 23 kg (which is the limit) and the other was about 15 kg.

After a long session of packing and unpacking I came to a conclusion that I would take only THE MOST important and THE MOST lightest clothes with me and the rest would then come via post afterwards. The only problem is that the normal economy packet via post is costing quite a few euros..
  • A packet that weights 5 to 10 kg costs about 72 euros
  • A packet that weights 15 to 30 kg costs about 179 euros
So you see my problem... and the winter clothes weren't even included >.<'

Well I'm going to pack my thing ones again tonight to get some kind of solution to this, but I don't expect much~

Partly from all the fuss with the luggage, I've had "The most Finnish day" I may ever have had in my life ^^ My sis had planned the whole day according to the events I would miss while in Japan and so I have celebrated The Christmas, The New Year, The Easter, The May Day, My birthday and The Midsummer Eve all together in one day :D Quite fun^^ I Got so many presents from my parents and my sister, that I'll have to arrange my luggage again I'm afraid, but I'm so thankful :)) The last sauna in a long time was the best, I can't imagine I wouldn't be going to sauna during the following year, even at least ones! So sad~

The panic is finally getting me and I'm starting to feel a little dizzy, but I hope it will get better soon ^^' I have waited for this so long and although now it feels like the worst, it will certainly get better and better as soon as I get over all the tension and the feeling of the secure and smooth life at home (because after all I'm very systematic and un-spontaneous) XD <3

All the best,

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