

tiistai 31. joulukuuta 2013

A RE-ENTRY permission for students~

my side of the embarkation card (the side that was stapled to my passport and taken off when I got back)

As I got to the Narita Airport when I was going to Finland for Christmas.. I had NO idea how I would get the re-entry permission to my student visa O.o Because it clearly states on my visa, that one-time entry only! (I think it's in every new visa though... ^^')

I asked around and finally (well, I should have guessed though..) I found out I'll get it from the immigration office..at the airport.. and where is that?!? Well, gladly the nice lady from the counter told me that I would go through one of them, when I'm about to leave the country, meaning also at the airport after the safety checks^^' Of course~ So, I went with a happy smile to the immigration desk, with a "re-entry wish -paper" and got it stapled to my passport's visa-page.

The embarkation card, Japan (the front side)

(the back side)

You can get the application paper when you enter the "room/area" where you go through the immigration check-out. There will be desks (next to the poles) where you can fill out one and then hand it to the officer with the visa-page opened on your passport^^ As simple as that!

As I got through this point, I had no worries at all~ The flight was happy and pretty easy, even though it takes more that 10 hours to fly to Finland.

And afterwards, when you will COME BACK: you DON'T need to fill out the "entry form" which looks like the same as the re-entry form (you already filled it up the first-time you came to japan~) even though you are planning on staying in Japan. BUT remember to take the yellow sheet (customs declaration form), because it's for the customs desk and you won't get through that without the sheet. (Though IF you forgot the form.... there will be extra ones next to the customs desks on the tables (next to the poles...^^').

customs declaration form (the front side of the yellow sheet)

(the back side)

And apparently, you will have to fill out the card every time you go abroad and wish to re-enter~

All the best,

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