The view in front of the main building~
Sooo, the International fair - festival is over.. >.< It was so much fun and even though I had really hard time speaking japanese these two days, it really helped me and now my conversation skills are a bit better^^ So thank you all, I try my best to speak as much japanese as I can from now on~!
my new, very good friends~
after 飲み会 (drinking), buying something to eat^^'
at 飲み会 (on Thursday)
Good food~ <3
I wrote to my note after international fair~ surprisingly many of the japanese students who study finnish can read this^^
My name-tags (korean and taiwanese)
Did u know: in taiwan there is these hirgana-like alphabets that when used u can write kanji? I didnt^^' But it's quite easy~ Really like them <3
Last week I also had time to go eat with friends I haven't seen for a while~ It was fun :) Went to chinese restaurant near our campus and afterwards to eat crepes (again^^) omnomnom <3
at crepe-store~
at chinese restaurant~
Christmas illumination in our campus^^
..even the fountain~
This week we're gonna have yet another まとめテスト (summary test) on thursday (tomorrow), but now that the midterm exams are over I think Im feeling much more free~ ..everything is gonna be okay, and fun times are coming^^ Christmas is coming! <3
All the best,
Ooo mitä jouluvaloja :)
VastaaPoistaI wanna crepes too >~<
VastaaPoistahaha yep tokai yliopisto ehkä vetää vähän yli odotusten jouluvalojen suhteen :D mutta eipä tuo haittaa~^^