

sunnuntai 12. tammikuuta 2014


Seoul Station~

Only 50 days, 15 hours and 55 minutes before my plane (sorry, OUR plane) from Narita (International) airport to Incheon (International) airport will departure!! I'm so excited >.< Have waited to go back Seoul as soon as I came here <3 NOT that I hated Japan or Tokyo or anything~ I like Japan, it's people and the way they do things^^ You know, not the crunchy way that European people do things...~ But well to me, Japan is NORMAL^^' and Seoul and Korea over all is NOT, it's that simple :) Perhaps, if I had gone to Korea as an exchange student, I would feel the same way about Japan^^ 'Cause after all, I love ASIA all together <3 (Yes, other countries too, not just Japan and Korea~. And yes, I try to be equal towards all :DD)

Seoul, Korea <3

Osaka, Japan (sorry, didn't found any good ones of Toyko..^^')

Sou.. I was saying~ Less than 2 months and I'll be seeing my sis Noora<3 and my bf Annika<3 and will be spending a wonderful two weeks in Seoul :) I have NO idea what we are gonna be doing but it's gonna be fun, I'm sure^^ And every night (well, last time I could almost do it, so probably this time... not EVERY night but still..) I'm trying to post something about our trip~ Aaaand, because we are gonna be staying at the same guesthouse, it's probably gonna be that "blog-writing-rooftop-sightseeing-night snack-eating" late-night-staying ups again! XD <3

Talked with Annika more than 6 and half hours ^^' Sorry Annika :D go to sleep <3

All The Best,

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