

keskiviikko 15. tammikuuta 2014

Shonan Campus (湘南キャンパス) and Basketball (バスケットボール)

I found something really interesting while browsing the internet^^ Probably going to do one of my own "Top 10 thing about Tokai University, Shonan campus", but first here: "Students Guide to Tokai University"

Quite interesting, though the last update is from November 9, 2013~

And also, because of that blog, I finally found something about the basketball team here^^ So they are called Seagulls apparently and they won the National championship now two times (2012 & 2013 at least). I would want go see even one of their matches, but so far I haven't known when the matches actually are :D ..We'll see if I can manage to go see one in the near future ^^

The official page of Seagulls (men's basketball team) : "Tokai-Seagulls"

Found also the women's basketball team, but they don't have a webpage ^^' The practices are everyday (except Tuesday) on weekdays from 7.00-9.00 & 17.00-20.00 and holidays from 9.00-12.00. ...Kinda sounds perfect :D But they have won all matches so far so they probably are pretty good as well.. That means it's hard to get in and there are already 28 members of the team/staff^^' So maybe I try to apply for the spring semester when the clubs promote themselves~ We'll see about that too :) Now.. I have to work out in addition to even try to get in~

The page of the women's basketball team: "Women's Basketball team"

All the best,

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