

keskiviikko 23. heinäkuuta 2014

What have I been doing? O.o

I got really good scores from the korean writing contest/exam so got a present and a recognition :)

...actually WON my category at the korean writing contest O.o HAPPYY~! <3

Visited Tokyo to see Kabuki theater with my class (歌舞伎) which is a japanese traditional dance-drama~

The theater~

Our lunchbox :D

Did my presentation at a middle school near our univ. and received a pen, hat and a file as a thank-you-gift ^^ Also a poster that the kids made from that day~

The goods I got from my family <3 missing every taste from Finland <3 and also my family <3

My first birthday cake :D Thank you Vicky <3

My birthday party that my friends organized for me :)

My birthday present O.o The North Face - BC Fuse Box -bag! <3 LOVE IT!! <3

Yeah, still love it :D

A lonely cloud on top of our campus~

Annika and Miia having fun at karaoke ^^

Sweets Paradise <3

They had a free-picture campaign in LoFt :O

Meiji Shrine (明治神宮) at Harajuku

purikura pics~

me, Miia and Annika <3

I just love japanese movie theaters <3 久しぶり~

My hair-color changed a little :D No more blond~

my classmate putting up the Tanabata (七夕)~

what I wrote~ Haha basically u write something tat you wish to happen or are thankful for:) 

Tanabata festival at Hiratsuka

Me wearing my first yukata (borrowed from a friend~)

Culture-class, playing some "traditional" japanese card-games :D So hard^^'

The day the typhoon was supposed to come.. It went by so fast at early morning and the day was absolutely BEAUTIFUL and too HOT :D

International Friday Night Party at Tokai~

My new favorite at Gusto <3

taking some purikuras with my best friend :)

The funniest birthday card I have seen It's japanese-korean XD
とってもめでたいハムニダ = very (totemo) + wish to be happy/Congratulately (medetai) + make/do (hamunida = korean 합니다) :D I just love this one <3 From now on I'm gonna use only this~

Feeling like Seoul2013 <3

at Ginza, having a nice dinner :)

My new yukata <3

Takoyaki-party <3 (Octopus dumplings)

Ready to eat^^

Our dessert :)

Me making same kinda pie, that Annika made for Takoyaki-party, for my class's food-party~

The ready one.. not as pretty as Annika's but hope it tastes good~

This was all I've been up to till now~ Of course I've been studying and going to the gym everyday too (which is kinda a miracle :D) But we have a nice group going to the gym so it's always fun^^ From now on there is gonna be some post's about festivals and final parties :) So seeya soon again~

Tomorrow: final food-party with my class
Friday: final test part 1 and goodbye-party organize by students
Saturday-Sunday: festivals and fireworks

All the best,

2 kommenttia:

  1. Jeiii, kivoja kuvia :). Vau miten upea puku. Onko sulla nyt ihan oma?

  2. Kiitos <3 Ihan oma on joo:)) tosin kengät vielä uupuu^^'
