

maanantai 16. maaliskuuta 2015

Making a new trip to Tokyo!

WHAAAT?!! Wait..did I just hear u right? A NEW trip to Tokyo.. but.. didn't u just come back from there? O.o I mean...?

Haha, well for me~ First of all, it's not "just"^^', it's more than half-a-year already since I came back T.T and second of all, there is never gonna be a "too many times to visit Japan" <3

Sou~ me and my best friend decided to plan a new trip to Tokyo, for two weeks from 15th to 27th of May this year^^ That means there is only couple more months to it <3

And because my friend has some awesome friends (well, of course my friends are awesome too <3), we can stay at their place while in Tokyo (^o^)/ <3 Tokyo, here we come (again) ;) <3 !

Put until that~
Let's try remembering last time we were on the other side of the world^^
All of these have some awesome memories XD

Having picnic with friends~

Karaoke, Annika's ultimate favorite :D

Vappu-picnic <3

walking the near streets <3

LoFt <3

purikura pics ^^

Tanabata-festival ^^

more purikura~

takoyaki-party <3

My broken tire (well, Annika's too XD)...

Sumida river fireworks :D

The actual fireworks~

Shibuya crossing at sunset

Sushi <333

our sleeping arrangements ^^'

Shopping <3

Going to party at Roppongi (so much fun!! right? ;) ) ^^

Another sunny summer day at Ikebukuro <3

Resting while shopping :D

lol :D

Sunshine city observation deck~

At a cafe next to Sumida river~

..taking photos of our drinks with the view :D

The building (tourist information center) we searched for so long... and it was so close after all XD

from the top of the building

last purikura pics T.T (x1)
last purikura pics T.T (x2)

last nomihoudai in japan together T.T

悲しい気分になってたよね。。じゃ、次の時、また、新しい写真&うれしい瞬間を絶対しよう^^ !

All The Best,

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