

maanantai 28. syyskuuta 2015

One week of my everyday life: 4/7

Going back to Turku~

Woke up kind of early~ haha at least compared to the yesterday^^' Did some laundry and finished my JLPT-application form. Now I only have to send them via post on Monday~ Choose to do N2 after all.. even though I failed it last time, I don't want to go back down even one step on the level-chart so :P I'll try my best! Oh well~ last time I had come back from Japan on that same autumn so I had a pretty good change of passing but~ this time I'm enrolling at Japanese language classes at my university so it's all for nothing either:) fighting~!

on the way to the gym~ horses enjoying the morning sun

getting some hay for the horses~

Before noon went to the gym with my sis~ rest of the day was pretty much enjoying the day with the horses and well yeah~ one episode of the drama "Empresses in the palace" of course ;)

In the evening I headed back to Turku. I had pretty much nothing to do while riding on the train so started reading some old posts.. aaaand it was a BIG mistake :D It was so so sad and emotional to read about Japan and how I was feeling after coming back to Finland and everything between.. BUT~, it seems I've learned something during this year too~ By the looks of the posts^^ So I decided to share some parts of my old post here, because well~ that's how I spent my train ride today anyways^^

[Old post]
This is still pretty accurate, though if I would want to do the exchange-program in Shanghai, I'd need to do my masters in our University (at my present major)... which would exclude the masters degree in Japan/Korea^^' well~ this is all just speculation:) Hopefully something like this though<3

[Old post]
STILL missing these<3 Everyday! Like when all the markets are closed and I'd want something to eat~ or when i don't know where to go eat when I want to eat out..^^' <3

[Old post]
I still somewhat understand this emotional outpouring but~ I'm kind of fine with it now:) everything comes and goes~ And there is going to be some awesome memories in the future too so lets wait for them and enjoy the present;)

[Old post]
I think this came true pretty much:)

At the end of the day, i got a ride home from my friend (thanks Annika) from the station and finished some school essays too while at it~ It's something like half past 1 am now and even though today is supposed to be the night of the "blood moon" showing up in the sky, I'm probably going to bed now.. Sorry blood moon~ :S

All the best,

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