Because of last night, we all were a little too-tired to get up or to do pretty much anything at all^^' we stayed in the whole afternoon, but whilst figuring things out me and Noora decided to go crab something to eat~ Annika on the other hand.. XD Well, she was really tired and so we left her to rest some more.
After some searching we wound this sushi-restaurant (in shinchon) which was really cozy and warm~
Sushi restaurant "롤집" Lime in shinchon~
They even had lunch menus still available when we rushed in so the prizes were even lower than normal~ you could just choose one sushi-plate and a drink, but the sets were quite reasonably priced and sized, and so we ended up taking the 2X sushi-plate and salad -set with drinks^^
After we had our wonderful lunch~ we headed to do some shopping and afterwards to a nice little cafe within the same area as the sushi-place~
We ordered a waffle and two special lattes~
Noora's new samsung phone is SO nice <3 all my wrinkles are gone;)
This was pretty much our last day in seoul together as Noora moved to her university-dorm the next day and me and Annika flew to Tokyo~~
The moving was pretty easy and all the people we met on our way were truly super nice^^ the room was on the 5th floor and she would be living with an exchange student from USA~
And so~ because we had some spear time on our hands we pretty much shopped the whole day, for Noora to get everything she would possibly need in her new room~ (pretty much kitchenware, cleaning equipment, air freshener...etc)
After saying our goodbyes to Noora we headed to the airport via taxi (cause we were too lazy to take the train^^' and in Seoul taxis don't really pay that much anyways~) and just when we had instructed the driver to go to the gimbo airport we realized... It is NOT the airport our flight is going to take off(!!!!) And to top that, we only had some couple hours left>.< Thankfully in Seoul the two airports (incheon and gimpo) are pretty close to each other, not to mention they have the same train-line to the central, so it was LUCKILY quite easy to change the airports:) THOUGH we were pretty
much panicking the whole time:D Though just to mention, this was probably the one-and-only-time that Annika was panicking MORE than me O.o ^^' I have no idea how I was so calm but I had this feeling that nothing could stop us and everything was in order as long as nothing else happened so I just rolled with it~ Probably my FIRTS time ever to just go with the flow, but I should learn from this and do it more often ay~ Cause everything turned out just fine~) at the end we made it to the airport just in time for the bagdrop and just fine to the gates too; before they even opened~ Luckily, I would say;)
The flight was pretty okay and took only 2 and a half hours which after (because everything was closed in the middle of night~) we had booked a bus-ride to a near onsen to stay over-night^^ There was just one problem.. We didn't know where exactly the bus would head off^^' So after looking and asking around we finally saw the bus coming to the airport and following it (more like running after it) finally got to the bus on time!:) It took about 15-20 minutes to the Heiwajima(平和島) onsen where we pretty much slept and relaxed through-out the night~
The entrance~
In the morning, they served breakfast(you could redeem with your coupon; which you got when you checked in), which was (for me atleast) the most luxurious breakfast I've had in any hostel~ and this was only an onsen afterall^^
Also(!) SOME HOW, without nobody knowing, we had booked the exact same night at the onsen as one of my finnish japanese classmatesO.o So imagine my surprise when I saw him standing there in the middle of the night(!!). Turned out he had been in hokkaido doing he's internship for 3 months (which after hearing, I recalled hearing before and felt really stupid having had to ask^^'), he had gone to taiwan for some 2 months and whilst just came back to japan for a couple of days, before flying to SEOUL(?!) where he would be doing his exchange(!!) What?!:D So because of this unrealistically surprising event we decided to later-on meet up in tokyo as well as in seoul as soon as we could~
But that was pretty much all for the day^^ Lots and lots of surprising stuff (good and bad^^') happened but we made it through~ and now, its time for some sleep:)
All the best,
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