

tiistai 20. lokakuuta 2015

The second day at Vienna

Woke up at 7am and because I couldn't sleep much anymore, headed downstairs to eat breakfast~

Before noon I visited couple of cafes called "Aida" and "Coffeeshop company",  which i tried making some reviews for my friend's blog^^ well~ we'll see how they turned out if I get them ready sometime soon:) (I'll put the link here, when they are done)

The Aida cafe

The coffeeshop company

..and THE so delicious caffe latte <3 they also had the hazelnut syrap^^

But have to say, I liked the Coffeeshop company more, because it had some of that Finnish cafe-feeling i've gotten used to in Finland~ Plus the coffees and food were nice and all the staff spoke english~ :)

Some sightseeing in the centre~

Karlskirche, just walked by the place but it was really pretty so needed to take a pic~

Afterwards I headed to the (new) hotel were i registered to the korean essay contest (and got my money back from the flight-tickets :o). Got my room key and met the other contestants as well:) they were so much fun, so headed to do some sightseeing with couple of my new friends later on~ There are people from SO many countrys O.o ^^ !!

And also, survived with my korean, so all good for now :D

My dinner today~ (yet again failed to eat Austrian food^^') ate at the australian pub:D

Tomorrow we are gonna have the contest at the morning and then on the afternoon we have a lecture and some more sightseeing~ Even though I'm a little bit nervious if I will understand the topic of the essay tomorrow, I will do my best!>.< Last year I heard it was "감사" (which means thankfull), so we'll see~

Also~ I jus had to drink some wine in Vienna ;) "...oon mä juonut viini wienissä~" :D

Sorry that there isn't many pictures (more like none^^') of me... It's just really hard to take pics of myself all alone :S Try working on that tomorrow:)

But~ Going to sleep now so, good night<3

All the best,

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