

torstai 29. lokakuuta 2015

The Korean writing contest-day at Vienna

My breakfast<3 omnom~

The contest-day is here^^ I was still very nervous but happy to be able to participate in this event so here we go~

Me before the contest, ready to go^^

We missed the first bus with Henna (from the hotel to the korea kulturhaus, where the contest was been held), but luckily there were 2 rounds (with the busses) and we get there together with all the teachers and organizers^^

All-in-all the contest was pretty much a normal essay, we got all the papers and pens from the organizing party and the time-limit was 2 and half hours:) The topic was "heritage" (유산) which, at first I didn't understand at all^^' (as i feared..) but because the meaning was really complicated (many people wrote a little off-the-topic) I ended up writing about the word itself^^' well~ it didn't go as planned, but I managed to cope with it~ d(^_^o)

When the contest was finally over, we had a lunch-break:)

After the contest we had a poem-reading-class with the "not so advanced students" :D and some of the advanced student got to do an interview about the contest and about their own county's good and bad point in terms of studying~

The culture-lecture after the contest~ we learned to play different kinds of korean children's games^^ I already had learned some of them when studying korean in Helsinki couple years back, so I was really happy to be able to try them again~~

The Korea Kulturhaus in the Donaupark

In the afternoon we got a 2 hour~ish tour around Vienna with the buss and a tour-guide explaning about the history of Vienna (in korean, of course)~ Luckily I had Henna sitting next to me so she translated some of it for me (my korean is not that advanced^^')

The Wien River and the scenery looked just like the Han River and the beautiful Seoul behind it TT.TT very pretty~!

Schrönbrunn castle (former imperial summer residence)

Finally a picture of me:D thank you Henna~

After the tour we all were really hungry so it was a little bit disappointing that the award ceremony was held first (well of course I know, but~~) and just after that we got to eat :s but the ceremony was really beautiful and I was really happy for all the winners<3 The first place went to Turkey, second to Russia and the third winner was from Vienna, Austria^^

The dinner after the award ceremony*\(^o^)/* 

The food was (once again not austrian^^') korean<3

Henna (a participant from the University of Helsinki) got a recognition for her hard work!^^ It was given to some students as an encouragement:)

The desserts were also really good^^ It was some kind of pudding, but the taste was VERY familiar >.< !

Neither of us won the contest (haha) but it was a good experience and we made lots of good memories:)

...and drank lots of good wine:D

The experience was totally worth it all (I made lots of friends and had lots of fun too~) and even though I was a little disappointed about the essay-topic and how difficult it actually was, I'm determined to learn more korean and maybe after couple of year I can speak more and fluently~ After all, I'm only on my second year in learning korean (at university level)^^

All the best,

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