

keskiviikko 4. marraskuuta 2015

The last day at Vienna

The last morning in Vienna~ A little sad to leave, but couldn't wait for the breakfast<3 I just love the hotel-breakfasts~ always so gooood^^
My first plate:D

The breakfast area was fancy^^

Afterwards headed back to our room and backed what was left~ then pretty much just left to look for the arport limousine-bus :) (Just as a sidenote, me and Henna (the other Finnish contestant from the Univ. of Helsnki) took the same flight back :D)

Even the elevators were fancy O.o <3

When heading to the airport with the limousine bus we saw this building that looked SO familiar!! Can't recall what, but definitely something or some building in Tokyo or Seoul :S

I'm starting to think in Vienna everything must look fancy:D Well, I saw some beautiful buildings and all, but even the airport was so nice~~

My lunch of the day^^

The flight went okay:) nothing special, we had to sit seperately because the plane was very crowded, but because the flight only took 2 and some hours it was okay:) It was really nice to get to know you Henna and hopefully we are going to have a nice Korea-trip after christmas all-five-of-us together~~ ^^

Finland FINALLY has a train-connection to the airport and so we got to test the airport station as well~ very recommended!^^

The trains go in both ways, but if u want to get to Helsinki (or Pasila/Tikkurila) faster, you ought to take the P-train :) (The other one is I-train)

Well~ that was all for the Vienna-trip:) Sorry for the late post, I have been sick ever since I came back from Austria but now I think I have beat the flu, finally^^

And thank you (once again) to my dear Korean teachers who recommended me for the contest! :)

All the best,

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