

keskiviikko 28. elokuuta 2013

The Seoul Zoo (at the Seoul Grand Park)

We did A LOT today!! ^^' I barely remeber all (and no, it's not because of the soju!), but hopefully I manage to write the most of it~

Annika feeling happy~^^

Yesterday we thought things to do and came up with the zoo -plan, so because tomorrow is going to rain/thunder (that's what the forecast says anyway~) we desided to go to the zoo today^^ It took about 30 minutes via the metro line 4 from The Seoul Station (our very own station<3) to The Seoul Grand Park Station. And if you are wondering about the metro-ticket prices, I have to disappoint you 'cause I don't remeber the exact prices^^' BUT during these two and a half day we have spend about 11,000 won (~7 euros) to the metro tickets (the trip from the Incheon Airport to the Seoul Sation was 5,000 won!! >.< but otherwise it's normally about 500 to 1,200 won per trip~) And this is via the T money-card which you can buy from the normal looking grocery-shop at the Incheon Airport in front of the info desk. :)
The map of the area~ If you'll see, there is the building B: "main gate" and the K: REAL main gate

The exit 1~

But back to the Zoo~ after we came out from the exit 1 (you can also use the next exit on the left~) we came across a parking lot which after walking straight forward we came to the "main gate".. Or so we thought^^' the "main gate" actually was about buying a ticket to the track car/train that would take us to the REAL main gate^^ Though you can also walk, it may be better to save your legs for the zoo and pay the amount of 1,000 won at the desk (stating: track car or ticket box) next to the zoo-ticketing (which was closed when we visited~)

The fake main gate XD actually the ticket office to the track car (straight in the middle~)

The ticket office to the track car~

Our ticket<3 (and yes, there is only one ticket~)

Follow this, if you'll see this mark (on the right): get out of the track car at the next stop (it's the first stop anyways^^') and after you have passed this mark, you'll see the main gate entrance and the zoo ticketing office~

The zoo ticketing office :)

At the main gate there is a ticketing office on the left side of the entrance.
The prices for the zoo: adult(3,000 w), junior(2,000 w) and child(1,000 w)
The prices for the theme park (we didn't visit): adult(2,000 w), junior(1,500 w) and child(1,000 w)
In bouth ticketing offices the seller talked a bit english so the buying was quite easy~ :)

There really are hippos in the pic^^' It came out to be a "find a hippo" - task though... xD

In the Zoo there is wcs(actually VERY clean!!), drink machines and trash cans everywhere so you don't have to worry about those~ Also cafes and restaurants (and water faucets, where you can fill your own bottles) come up quite often when wandering around the area^^ 

The wcs.

My drink~ was very good! "Coco palm", contains peach juice (with pieces) and coco milk~

The water faucet.

We spend one and a half hour walking, which after we desided also to walk back to the "first main gate". The trip was not that long, only 500 meters or so, but if your legs are dying > please do use the track car~! The trach car reguires a new ticket 'cause the tickets are only one way, but you can ask about the ticket from the REAL main gates ticketing office^^ After all it's only another 1,000 won~^^

That was all for the Zoo~~ We will give you a good view of the Hongdae club area (on a day/evening site), but that'll be tomorrow cause we are so tired today >~<' (Meaning we DID a punch of other stuff too~ :P) hope this was helpful/somehow enjoyable to read^^'

Learned today:
- the Namsan tower DOES NOT change it's color every day, it's STILL pink today >.<'
- all the korean people have phones with the screens as big as you can imagine! When talking about your phone and mentioning something like Galaxy S2, the meaning is the same as mentioning the Nokia 3310 in Finland...^^'
- it's easy to spend money when everything is cheap^^' you won't even see it coming, before you come back to your hotel and look at what you have bought..
- the soju is MUCH stronger than people usually think! :D

All the best,
Laura (and Annika)

Ps. Sorry for the spelling mistakes~~^^'

3 kommenttia:

  1. Haha u say u did a lot but what u actually did was visit the zoo x) or did you leave out some parts of the story? ^^

  2. You'll see soon ;) actually it took about 2 hours to write the zoo -post, so we didn't exactly have the time to write the others as well~ But don't worry, it's coming today ^^

  3. Kekeke I'll be waiting ;) btw Annika was wearing your hair donut.. or am I wrong..? ^^
