

tiistai 31. joulukuuta 2013

How to get to the NARITA airport (via Narita Express "N'EX")

So I decided to explain this here, cause when I had to look for the information it was quite hard so hope it helps someone :)

(I went from Tokai daigaku-mae to Shinkuju station to Narita~)

1. The stations where to get to the train
I came via Odakyu-line and from the "Tokai daigaku-mae station" it took me about an hour and 15 minutes to get to Shinjuku station, where from I got my ticket and hopped in the Narita Express.

The "map" of the stations
  • The stations that the N'EX usually stops are: Ikebukuro (池袋), Shinjuku (新宿), Shibuya (渋谷), Shinagawa (品川) and Tokyo station (東京駅). 
  • Between Narita airport and Tokyo station: Chiba (千葉), Yotsukaido (四街道) and Narita (成田the city-part, not the airport~). 
  • Also the train can stop at the stations: Omiya (大宮) (in Saitama-ken 埼玉県 only twice), Musashi-Kosugi (武蔵小杉), Yokohama (横浜), Totsuka (戸塚) and Ofuna (大船).
  • ALSO: There is (ONLY) 2 train at 05.14 am and 05.50 am from Takao: 高尾 >> Hachioji: 八王子 (05.19 & 05.55) >> Tachikawa: 立川 (05.28 & 06.04) >> Kokubunji: 国分寺 (05.33 & 06.10) >> Mitaka: 三鷹 (05.40 & 06.17) >> Kichijoji: 吉祥寺 (05.43 & 06.19) >> and then from Shinjuku to Narita airport Terminal 1.
  • IF your station don't include in these, there are other possibilities like Keisei Line and JR Narita Line. Other information about getting TO or FROM Narita you can get from Narita Airport Access Planner.
  • All the timetables are HERE (to Narita) and HERE (From Narita).
2. How to get the ticket for the N'EX

When you get to the station you will have to find "a Ticket Office" (it also has a Japanese name: "Midori-no-madoguchi" BUT the japanese people will understand the english name just fine~). The nearest ticketing office in Shinjuku station is right in front of the track 15 and Odakyu-line entrance. ^^ The opening hours are a bit of a problem 'cause they are pretty hard to find so if you can, please check them before THE day from the ticket office in question~ And BTW: the tickets can only be bought ON THE SAME DAY as the train will departure! The one i visited (in Shinjuku) was opened at 07.00 and probably till 19.00 (not sure). You can also buy the tickets from the vending machines found next to the ticket offices (or inside), however the vending machines are NOT the same ones as the SUICA/PASMO/short distance ticket- vending machines.

The ones I used (the ticketing office and the route from the office to the track that the N'EX left) are marked as red color.

From Shinjuku station, the Narita Express will usually leave at the track 5 (and 6)~ You will have to get the ticket BEFORE going to the track (though you DON'T have to stamp it anywhere, except when you LEAVE the train on the airport!) So remember to get the ticket^^

It will cost about 3110 yen with the suica-card,(show it when you buy the ticket) and without 3310 yen.

3. ABOUT the ticket
The ticket looks like this:

The carriage number (号車), row (番), seat (席) -information you'll see marked in the picture. Also the time of departure and where to where is your ticket taking you^^ (the prize is also printed in the ticket~)

4. The train ride
The ride from Shinjuku took about 1 hour and 25 minutes (from Tokyo station about an hour). The final stop is The Narita Airport Terminal 1, but it will automatically ALWAYS stop also in the Terminal 2 too~ Before arriving to every station, there will be an announce and the "tididii"-sound informing you that the train will soon arrive to the next stop (in japanese and english but sometimes in korean and chinese too). The announce will be quite early so you don't have to panic and just wait^^

The Narita Express (N'EX)

I think here was all the important information about it~ Ou, and remember, when you get of you have to PUT the ticket FIRST: through the 1st gate (you will get it back) after you pass and SECOND: through the 2nd gate where you DON'T get the ticket back anymore~ Just go through yourself and THAT'S IT^^
IF HOWEVER you used your SUICA/PASMO to get in to the station in the first place (in for example Shinjuku or Tokyo station), before actually buying the N'EX ticket, you can also choose to use your SUICA/PASMO card at the 1st gate AND (because you have to use also the N'EX ticket) use the N'EX ticket only at the 2nd gate (where, like in the other scenario too, you won't get it back).

Hope this help, and have a pleasant journey~!
All the best,

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