

lauantai 16. marraskuuta 2013

Birthday Party and Tea Ceremony

Pin, Ky, Cammie, Happy Birthday!

On Monday we had a birthday celebration on 3rd period with cake and juice~ Cammie had baked three delicious cakes with chocolate, coconut and butter-cream and Ky brought the speakers so it felt like a real celebration~ Too bad we still had to study after that.. ^^'

Everybody waiting to eat the cakes

On Wednesday (I originally though it would have been on Monday too.. but turned out i was totally wrong^^') we went to see a Tea ceremony with out class~ The tea house was at the other end of the campus, but still IN our campus. (Well now that i think about it, it kinda makes sense, cause after all there is a tea-club in the campus so where else they would practice their club activities..^^') But back to our trip~ We got to participate in the tea ceremony and to watch how it is done (one of the many).. my legs were SOO numb after sitting an hour on my knees.. >.< Cause, and just to make sure, in Finland we don't do that :D When I finally tried to get up, it got couple of minutes for me even to feel my legs so getting up...took about 10 minutes^^' But I was proud I could do that! :)) feeling like a winner~ \o/

Our class (and another class) in the tea house

The tea ceremony -room

Doing the actual ceremony

The sweets we got (that u will eat before drinking the tea)

By the way, the tea was so good~ ^^ Some of us didn't like it because it was very strong and tasted like matcha (of course), but i liked it. :)

Today we are gonna have 焼肉(yakiniku), kinda japanese 삼겹살(samgyupsal) with our class~ It's gonna be fun^^ And after that we are gonna have a celebration party for Cammie, cause her actual birthday is tomorrow! :) Have to buy gifts now so~ bye^^

All the best,

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