

sunnuntai 29. joulukuuta 2013

I am in FINland O.o

From The Narita airport, soon to departure~^^

Sorry I haven't been posting anything for a week or so.. ^^' BUT, I have been spending Christmas with my family in FINLAND ! Omg, I didn't wanna tell them before-handed so I didn't say a word neither in here nor in the "real world"~ But so happened, that I arrived at Helsinki-Vantaa's airport on 22th of December and spend a lovely Christmas with my family and relatives <3 First they were a little surprised, but after a first shock they seemed pleased that I had arrived and I even got Christmas presents~^^

The Helsinki-Vantaa airport, Starbucks with Miia and Annika~ (we also bought one to you, Noora) <3

The Christmas gifts I got from Annika and Miia, ThankU <3

Christmas Eve morning's traditional "riding happen". Our family~

Me and my horse~ Miss u already, be well <3

The scene from our visit to The cemetery on Christmas Eve. There were lots of candles~

The Christmas tree in our house.

Our family has a habit of setting all the Christmas gifts under the Christmas tree at daytime,
and after we come back from the cemetery and our aunt comes to visit,
we open them together~

Me and My dear Sis <3

Finnish Christmas food:

Our Christmas table with all the good food <3

Casserole dishes made from: rutabaga (lanttu), potato (peruna), carrot (porkkana) & liver (maksa). Also ham and turkey~

Salmon (I think XD ) We also eat a lot of raw pickled salmon, so called

Rosolli salad with topping


Different cheeses~

A "Dry cake" and fruit salad

So now I have been in Finland exactly a week, eating, celebrating Christmas and shopping (The famous Christmas-sales... T.T AND i bought way too much!!).. and now it's time to go back~ Even though I'm a little sad to leave my family again... but I was already missing Japan a little because of it's culture and the amazing friends i made^^ Thank you for being so good to me <3 I had to buy a new bag and all because I had too much clothes to bring back... and now my luggage weights 18kg... >> when I came it was only 8kg.. >.< well... I love my new clothes <3 :))

Me and my Sis, shopping at Christmas sale in Helsinki (well, obviously at cafe at the moment :D )

My luggage (The bag I came with >> The bag I left with) -.-' I Bought WAY too much I think..

Tried to take photos before of my leaving at the airport... It was quite hard XD Still <3

This separates the rest of the airport gates & The gates which are destined for Asia^^ Here we go~

Now, I have to go to the plane so see u again in Japan and <3

All the best,

PS. I made some fixes (2014年1月4日) and added photos 'cause last time when wroting this post I had no time for photos~ ^^'

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