

perjantai 14. maaliskuuta 2014

Subway and sightseeing in Seoul

Annika, Noora, Rachel and me at gwanghwamun gate (gyeongbokgung palace)

Okkii~ we really wanted to eat in a subway (the restaurant) so on the way to japan embassy (near insadong) we just had to eat in one :D

The subway :D

Pretty normal price~ a little cheaper that in europe^^

After japan embassy we went to see the gyeongbokgung palace.. Or the gate :D it cost 3,000won to go in and we just wanted to take a pic from the famous gate so~^^'

"In front of" the palace gate (세종대왕 "sejong daewang" was the king who created the korean writen language (hangul))

There are all the hangul letters printed on the statue (some of what i haven't even seen^^').

The Gwanghwamun gate~

Walking to the gate^^

Rest of the day we went around walking~

Really good cosmetic-store^^ (missha)

Got some really good waffels (cost 3,000won and they are REALLY big~!). U can find the stall in myeongdong (the main/big crossroad in the middle of myeongdong, infront of H&M).


All the best,

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