

maanantai 31. maaliskuuta 2014

The new semester is starting~


a street near Annika's house~ Sunny day <3

It has been a week again^^' This was my first so-called holiday-week~ The whole spring-holiday I've been going and coming and so this was my first week for just chilling with friends and sadly reading for the re-placement test :D The test is 2nd of April so next Wednesday~ Reading is going well (kerrankin^^') and I hope I can pass the test for the 4th class :)) (5th would be good too, but I'm aiming for 4th~). We'll see :) Actually, the problem is not really the test ^^' its because in 4th class you have to be able to read more kanjis.. but I'll try my best! :)

Foooood <3 made by Annika~ (though she doesn't like making rice ?? O.o 왜에~ >.<)

Last week I stayed in Annika's house in Tokyo and so this week I'm back "home" (dorm) after a long time <3 Haha and actually (apparently) here in Kanagawa the earthquakes are more common than in other areas cause while I traveled I didn't really notice them (or then I didn't pay attention that much^^' cause they are quite small after all~) but when I got back to dorm.. well haha I missed them^^ In Finland we don't have them :s

Played also basketball (that also after a long time..) and it showed :D haha Have to train my throws ^^' This time also Annika was with us so it was so much fun~ And found baketball shoes for 3,999 yen (~28 euros) ^^ Probably gonna buy then next time :) (Niissä oli jopa kanta-vaimentimet)

The shoes~ (though they were blue ^^)

Got pictures from home... T.T missing u.. and Seija <3

Only 4 months before I come back home.. missing my family and Finland now^^' Here it's over +20 degrees already and it's just turning April O.o so the summer is really gonna be HOT! :D And I'm running in shorts and t-shirts here XD OMG, what am I gonna do when it's getting hotter?! :DD

All the best,

1 kommentti:

  1. Jeee heppakuviakin :D. Sebu on päättänyt olla kiltti Nopolle :P.
