

keskiviikko 7. toukokuuta 2014

Golden Week in Japan

aka ゴールデンウィーク~

Me and Annika on picnic~

The golden week usually consists of different japanese holidays that are one after another in a row^^ Though this year, sadly we didn't have a whole week free.. It was only from Saturday to Tuesday, so 4 days~ but it was fun :)
I visited my friend who lives in Tokyo (like every other weekend till now~) and went to picnic, karaoke a couple of times, izakaya (japanese style pub/bar/restaurant, have to say I really like there more than clubs~ you can chat and eat and drink, there is no rush^^) and movies (really liked the Amazing Spiderman 2!!^^). It was so much fun^^ Thanks Annika~

Beautiful day on our campus^^

People coming to school :D

Our classroom~ I really like it <3

Me and my new classmate from Sweden eating melon(tasting)-bread~

The first ice-cream of this summer <3

Flowers are blooming~

I started learning Korean in Tokai \o/ My korean language book~ I'm the only foreign student in my class :D haha have to do my best!^^

My japanese writing test^^ Jeij :))

Annika in Loft (a shop) in a Moomin section O.o :D

More Moomin stuff~ and they are MUCH cheaper here that in fin :D

The Sweets Paradise - all you can eat cakes, again^^

My first plate :P

Strawberry margarita in The T.G.I Fridays~ Having a nice meal with Annika and her sis :)

my foooood <3 chiken <3

Basketball court in Yoyogi, Tokyo

Our desserts in Gusto (ガスト, restaurant)

Our picnic spot :))

Wappu picnic with Annika~ SIMA <3

Me and Annika going back home, tired looking :D

I listed all the Taiwanese dramas I've watched... haha was bored^^' and cause I started the "Fall in Love with me" just now :D

That was my golden week and a little bit extra photos too~ Sorry I've been lazy/busy and not writing that often.. I try harder from now on~

This week only 3 days of school and then going to Tokyo again haha
Noora, have fun on your holidays, I'm still studying here XD

All the best,

2 kommenttia:

  1. Kivoja kuvia :). Hahaa, pääset puhumaan ruotsia :P

  2. Haha yep :D Vaikka suurimmaksi osaksi onneksi puhtaankin englantia^^
