

tiistai 29. heinäkuuta 2014

Sumida river fireworks (花火)

Me and my yukata <3

Last weekend I visited Tokyo again, only this time I had half of my luggages with me cause next week would be my last here T.T

Shibuya crossing at evening~

The trip didn't go as well as I had though when one of my suitcase's tire broke down because of the heat (Yeah, right now it's really HOT here in Japan.. Can't even walk to the school without sweating like a pig-.-') and halfway through I started to feel sick and had to get out from the train... That's what u get when it's over 34 and u haven eatn anything, but -.-' I messages my friend to come and save me when i get to the ikebukuro station.. But she was sleeping.. Damn that girl>.< Well happily everything ended well cause actually my friend had seen the messages (and even responded, I just didn't get the messages~) and had went all the way to the station and back looking for me<3 She also bought me a smoothie (because she knows I don't really like to drink coffee the next morning after drinking~) Can there be a better friend<3!

Me and Annika ^^

When i had gotten my energy level back, rest of the day we walked around ikebukuro and in te evening went to asakusa to see the fireworks:)



The giant strawberry-milk flavored ice dessert (イチゴミルクかき氷)

And i also figured out how to print from the computer-class in the 1.st building^^ U just need to lock in with your account and when u have pushed "print" normally, u go to the printer and flash your student card. It will show u the files u have wanted to print (usually only one) and then u just choose from those what u want to print and press okay:) Aaand this is how I got my plane-ticket printed out ^^
Sunday brunsh-time~

Maybe the last sushi (最後の寿司かな〜)

All the best,

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