

maanantai 16. maaliskuuta 2015

Life in Finland as it is~

Taking the morning train from Pasila to Helsinki~ My every-monday-morning ^^

It has been pretty much a half-a-year already for me to be back in Finland, and yet~ I haven't written much about my life in here so far^^' I cant really say why.. just probably cause I'm still waiting for my life to actually start or so.. but what I've come to realize while being back, is that you should cherish the time you have right now, where ever you are, cause the moments you have now will change and you will come to miss them somewhere in the future. So, you and me should cherish everything we have now, even though it sometimes feels like we aren't going anywhere with it :) Trust your future <3

Doing some exercise training with my horse~

For me this means pretty much every morning when I wake up, I try to actually think of what I have, see and feel when I live my life~ In the bus, I try to create a picture of everything I see: buildings and cars,people and what they talk and what they look-like etc.. And to think that all this that I see now, I might not see again in the future, so it becomes an important memory for me. Even the mug I use in morning for my much needed cup of coffee, I try to look at it differently every morning to realize, one day I might not drink my coffee with this mug~ Some day I might actually feel terrible and miss this-kind-of mornings with this cup-of-coffee. Who knows~ :) It might sound a little bit far-fetched and divergent to some, but to thing like this, you will live your life a little bit fuller and not miss the things you have the opportunity to do, see and feel right now. These things are not here always so cherish everything you have :)

The view in Finland is quite amazing :)


So now that the psychological speech is handled and the re-cap what has happened in here since I came back has done too.. Well, since my BEST friend (Annika) came back, actually ^^ Let's see what I'm up to as in nowadays ~

The Valentine's Day in Finland can be translated into "Friend's Day"~ Pretty much you receive and give cards and gifts with your family and friends ^^

Me, Noora and Annika going at Kin Sushi, Helsinki

Block B had a concert in Helsinki O.o So much fun ^^ !

Beautiful day in Turku~ Not much snow in Finland anymore, ay? ;) SPRING <3

The Aura river at night~ going to a restaurant with my friends^^ 

Me and my lovely little sister <3<3
Hope you are having a great day~~ until next update;)

All The Best,

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