

maanantai 7. joulukuuta 2015

Pre-Christmas- and Nabe parties (party party party~)

me, Annika, Miia and Noora

Soo~ Christmas is finally coming (prob. way too fast I might add, cause I haven't even bought any Christmas presents..yet^^)

On 11.11 there was a pocky-day (Japanese:ポッキーの日/Korean:빼빼로 데이),
because the pockys look like number 1 :D

Anyhow, because the Christmas holiday also means the end of the 2nd period, we have had lots of assignments and exams (well, still some to come~), and then of course: parties:) Our japanese class had a nabe-party couple weeks ago, where we made nabe (鍋=pot) food and drank sake (nihonshu/日本酒=japanese alcohol). It was really nice to get to know our class better, this semester being my first semester with them, and all-in-all a first japanese class in Finland for a long time^^' So i was really nervous at first~ but they are super-fine so I'm relieved:) We also had a presentation to do for our japanese class (topic was to show Finnish attraction, city or a place) and I choose Järvenpää<3

nabe <3

my Järvenpää-presentation~

In Finland we have lots of pre-Christmas parties (or "little-Christmas-parties") that are held around 1-1,5 month before the actual Christmas celebration. So like any other Finn, I also "attended" some~

First we held our "best-friends-get-together-pre-Christmas parties" with Noora, Annika and Miia:) Usually our schedules are so mixed up it's difficult to find a date that fits everyone, but this year it was quite easy^^ Also, we decided to celebrate in Turku (two of us live in Turku and two of us in Helsinki, so maybe next year it's gonna be Helsinki then~ ^^). We booked a table from a restaurant (Viking restaurant Harald) to have dinner and afterwards went to a sauna and watched a movie (How to Train Your Dragon 2) XD Pretty normal~ Thank you Noora and Miia for coming and Annika for organizing;))

our pre-Christmas party^^

The second pre-Christmas party was with our language-partners (In Korean language circle we have this language-exchange thingy where u will be paired up with one or two exchange-students of whom with you can practise your language-skills~). It was so much fun and food was delicious, because we had Japanese and Korean food combined with Finnish desserts<3

Pre-Christmas party with Eunji씨, Subin씨, Jenna and Yuさん~

Korean and Japanese food <3

Finally, we also had a pre-Christmas party with our family<3 Usually we don't really celebrate pre-Christmas with anything special, but this year we decided to go to a restaurant~ and it was SOO worth-it!! ^^ The food was really delicious and not-so-expensive compared to its quality<3 and the Finnish price level. Totally recommended~

The restaurant we went: Sipoon kellari

me, Noora and Merja:)

Also nowadays my leisure time activities are pretty much something like this~ ^^'

don're recall the name of the board-game, but oh-my-good this is SO much fun!! ^^

Went to do some reading to a cafe (for the JLPT-exams) and thereupon;) some Christmas (sale^^') shopping :P

Everyone is making these tests nowadays so I also wanted to try~
got "Introvert, Factual, an Intelligently controlled and Prudent"
= Introvertti, Tosiasiallinen, Ajatteleva ja Hakitseva".
haha now u know me^^'

JLPT 2015 N2,
dared to go to the exam, but dunno what's gonna be the outcome >-<
have to say, I didn't do much studying especially for this exam so can't say I would deserve to pass^^'

"samui desu ne" = 寒いですね = It's (freaking) cold (, right?) >.<
I really liked this pic because.. well~ it's so true :D the cold-season is coming!
(don't own the pic)

All the best,

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