

perjantai 26. heinäkuuta 2013

Trip to Seoul 25.8 - 9.9 !

Jeij, its only ONE MONTH left before my exchange year will officially start!! All the flights are now booked and prepared, and all I need to do is wait~ Also I've almost packed all the bags already, just couple of things missing ^^' But wait, whaaat?! O.o Nooo, I wanna go to Seoul too!! <3

I've been planning the trip to Seoul since I got to know I'd be spending my whole next year in Japan.. because, well it's going to be just so close! >.< Too close NOT to visit <3 It would take the same amount of money and time to go to Seoul separately, so why not do it together with the exchange year~?

And what's the best thing about this whole trip?^^ : One of my best friends is staying at the moment in Tokyo AND she is going to come with me <3 And yes, she is Finnish too~ The bad news are that her staying in Japan will not last till autumn, pity :( But let's take the most out of it while we still can^^

My flight to Tokyo will leave on the 25th of august so I'm planning on going to Narita airport and then straight to Incheon airport (Seoul's) on Monday when i land. I have couple of hours to spend in Narita too, because my flight from Finland will land about 9 am and the flight to Seoul wont leave until 2 pm~ I probably will go to eat something while I'm at it^^' (Ant the reason WHY I'm making things so complicated is because it's much cheaper to buy the round-trip tickets than the one-way^^' So I can use the other Tokyo-Finland ticket when I come back home~)

The hotel (or actually the hostel) we are staying at, will provide a good location near the Namsan tower, a room with a private bathroom, AND a breakfast which was something I was willing to fight for~ I really want to go to the near cafes at morning to see the busy life of the local employees, but on the contrary I also want to eat a good breakfast without having to pay a fortune (or at all, when u have already payed it in advance~) I haven't yet looked any good attractions to visit, but I'm quite sure we are not going to see the most typical ones.. my friend is more like a spontaneous type, so we might venture a little^^' I'm a little bit more systematic and organized person, so I probably will be a LITTLE hysterical if and when we get lost.. :D

All the best,

And of course all the credits to: jonasginter / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA about the photo. I have always loved this pic so wanted to show it to you too <3

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