

sunnuntai 11. elokuuta 2013

After all, the visa acquired ^^

I am so relieved, after all I got the visa!! :))

I had almost lost my hope, when the lost COE (Certificate of Eligibility) was nowhere to be found and the Embassy of Japan said they couldn't grant the visa without the original COE >> so I should apply a new one as soon as possible. Of course i was totally panicking, because there would certainly NOT be enough time to wait a new COE!

So after a discussion with The University of Tokai, we agreed to apply the student visa after my arrival to Japan. That meant I would be arriving as a tourist to Japan and then afterwards apply the change of status. (And really, it's a good choice if you don't have the time to apply the visa in your own country. Although there might be problems if the application takes too long or you start to apply it too late, because you only have 90 days to stay in Japan with a tourist visa.)

BUT.. when i finally though I had it all figured out, I got a call saying the COE has been found and is currently at the University of Turku from where I could pick it up when I have the time. Quite a surprise! O.o Soooo.. I send an email to the University of Tokai regarding the new aspects of the matter.
BUT the answer was nothing like I would have expected.. >.<' I could NOT use the original COE when applying the visa, because it had been void (invalidated) within the reasons that only one COE can bee valid at a time and they had already applied for a new one. The message was send to me and a copy to the University of Turku. And this I mention because... you'll see soon why -.-'

BUT the following morning I got a call from the University of Tokai (and I was so surprised because I didn't think they would actually call me :O) and the head officer very politely chatted with me regarding the lost COE -case and we came to the conclusion that I could apply the visa with the original COE (that at a time was located in Turku), due to the reasons I didn't quite catch. ^^' But well, now..couple hours after the call from Tokai, I got a call from Turku saying I could not fetch the original COE because I could not apply the visa with it. ...and this is why I previously told that the email was send also to the University of Turku.. :D Well of course she didn't know about the call I just had gotten from Tokai so I had to explain the whole situation to her with care >> so that she'd believed me that I could, after all, apply the visa with the original COE.

NOW when I finally have applied and obtained the visa, all the stress.. is gone~ I don't have to be explaining at the Narita airport why i am a student with no visa or have any other problems regarding to the matter ^^ My only problem now is that because the student visa only allows a single entry to the country, I'll have to apply a re-entry if while flying to Seoul via Tokyo, I have to re-enter to the airport area. The other option is that I will have to prove that I have a connecting flight to Seoul so that I can enter as a tourist..

But It's only a small problem now, comparing to my previous one :D So everything is more that fine~
Only two more weeks to go and I will take the plane to Seoul via Tokyo :)) Here I come <3

All the best,

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