

perjantai 13. syyskuuta 2013

the Hiratsuka City & Tokai University Shonan Campus

Tokai university shonan campus, the main building~

Today was The Japanese placement test & at the same time the friday 13th~ and i didn't even notice that :D I think it's a good sign^^

Before the test, btw the drink was good^^ (i woke up at 6 because i though i could go running in the morning.. But i ended up reviewing for the test~^^' the weather was nice<3 I almost though i was late, 'cause no one else was up when i left (about 8 o'clock) and the test started at 9.30 O.o

The dinner we ate yesterday~ udon <3 was good~!

How did the test went.. Well for my level, the test was hard and i didn't even try to do the last part, but I think that was the point in the test. The question were placed at the difficulty order, so the first ones were easy and the last ones the hardest~ and thankfully i was not the only one who didn't get to the last part or dropped it off~ ^^' After the test i got to send the gifts to my friends <3 when i found the mailbox and tried some school lunches at the cafeteria in the first floor of the building 8th~ oishikatta, really^^

We, eating lunch in front of the 7eleven~

Hiratsuka city

Hiratsuka city

Bustrip back to shonan campus~

Yesterday we wandered around the Hiratsuka city after registration at the city hall and it was really nice to get to know all new people~ the germans and the "americans" (hawaijis) are really nice and i have been hanging out with them a lot~! Tomorrow going to Tokyo and taking SOOOU many pictures XD

The people i met today said that after a year it's going to be easy to speak fluent japanese, even if you'd be placed at the beginners group so i have no worries now~ <3

School lunch~ (bibitama)

From the main building's rooftop~

Tänään.. Testi meni ihan hyvin, omaan tasoon nähden~ kysymykset oli laitettu vaikeusjärjestykseen, joten viimeistä paperia en edes tehnyt, muttaaaaa kolme ensimmäistä menivät jotenkin hyvin^^ ainakin pitäisi jotain pisteitä saada :D olen aika paljon hengaillut saksalaisten ja "amerikkalaisten" (hawaijilaisten) kanssa, molemmat ryhmät todella mukavia :) korealaiset sekä thaimaalaiset viihtyvät aikalailla omissa porukoissaan, ehkä koske heitä on niin paljon~ muttaaaaa ehkä kun luennot alkaa ja meidät jaetaan tasoryhmiin, porukatkin menee uusiks^^ huomenna suunnataan tokyoon, koska meillä on kolme päivää vapaata ennen lukukauden alkua~! Yritän ottaa paljon kuvia <3

And this is for Noora: (all of the dvds were for rent and are only one episode long, so they are cheap <3 maybe i'll have to find these on normal shops too send one of those to you someday via post;) and they are AREA CODE 2 because japan = finland!!!)

Skip beat (taiwanese)

Rooftop prince

In time with you (taiwanese)

Secret garden

Personal preference

Prosecutor princess <33<3

U know ;) for others: repply 1997)

And these were only a few hundreds of dramas they had <3 loved the place, i think i'll like japan now a little more ;)))

All the best,

Ps. Im SOOO tired, so sorry for the wrongs i make in this text~ >.< Next time then :D

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