

perjantai 25. lokakuuta 2013

A Rainy day

Ou rainy day~ there will be another typhoon passing by so it's going to rain the whole day tomorrow..^^' Though this time it's not going to hit here~ It is already past eight pm here, so the day is pretty much over~ BUT because it's friday, we are having a feast in a friend's house with bunch of people. :) Foooood, happyyy~<3

After the big test yesterday infront of the class waiting to get back in~ :D and btw i got 60% so im happyyy~!! Usually i get 50 or some..^^'

Today we finished our powerpoint presentations for the elementary school-visit~ Two weeks from now, our 7.class and the 6.class are going to visit a japanese elementary school and give a presentation about our own countries.. Getting nervious already >.<' Hope it goes well~ And next week we have school only on monday and wednesday^^ because of holidays~ And on tuesday we are visiting an onsen with our class, so waiting for the next week :))

My two loveliest people here <3

Some Finnish:
Sataa sataa ropisee~ tänään on pitkin päivää satanut vähän enemmän ja vähän vähemmän^^ Tämän hetkinen taifuuni ohittaa meidät jossain yön/huomisen päivän aikana, mutta reitti kulkee kaukana merellä, joten meihin lähinnä kohdistuu vain rankka sade..-.-' Ensi viikolla vieraillaan luokan kanssa onsenissa (japanese "bathhouse") ja parin viikon päästä onkin sitten powerpoint-esityksen vuoro japanilaisessa ala-asteessa~ Apuva! ^^' Muttaaa~ ruoka ompi valmista, joten "itadakimasu"~ hope u are doing fine<3

All the best,

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