

tiistai 15. lokakuuta 2013

Typhoon coming thru

the view from our classroom^^

our classroom~

Today I had a pretty normal school day~

8~ish at university
9.20 lessons start
12.35 lunch break
14.55 lessons end

15 -> I usually go to the school cafeteria to study and get something to eat.. BUT today i didn't ^^ And the reason for that is because there is NO SCHOOL tomorrow! ^^ Jeij~! Why? Because a typhoon is coming tonight and apparently it's going to hit so close to us that tomorrow's weather will be pretty bad (basically it's because the teachers can't come to the university 'cause the trains won't move and all~ Also all the car traffic is a no-no). And so, that means I won't have to study my ass of the whole day today^^ so really, jeij~!

Yesterday I went running with a friend of mine and because of that (well I tried a bit of sprinting.. because I have my knee brace with me now~) I got a cramp on my leg and today all my muscles are sore ^^' The interesting fact about running here is that this is actually the first semester that the 外人 (foreigners) are exercising O.o And no, not just me, there are actually people there~ And the best part is that every time while running Japanese students will welcome you with smile even if you have no idea who are they! They get really excited when seeing a foreign student running^^' You won't get a better running experience than that~ Lol (And just to mention, it's not only in the running track that Japanese students would stare at you... it's everywhere you go, anytime you can possibly think of..^^' For example, I was in the ladies room doing my makeup and these two Japanese girls where just standing behind me and staring me without a word.. And when I say stare, well Japanese people really know how to stare without shame~!)

at Yokohama~

All together the past couple weeks have been pretty good. :) I have got many new friends every day and visited Yokohama (actually a couple time already~). Moreover I have studied more than ever in my life, 毎日, done running and yeah also got a package from my dear family back in Finland with all my autumn-stuff (because really, it's getting cold here >.<). Though I have to tell you, it is SO damn expensive to send anything from Finland to Japan.. I would not recommend. On the other hand it's pretty cheap to send anything from Japan to Finland~ Which is good, because I have just so many things I want to buy from here and send them to Finland to my important people~ <3 Btw just to mention, I bought something really awesome from the Tokai University's store and I just love it! <3 I will take a picture as soon as I can, but for now.. I just freaking LOVE it!! >.< And yes, this was manly for you Noora~ ;)

these awesome people <3

Ja sitten jotain suomeksikin, ettei kielioppi ihan kokonaan unohdu^^' Oikeastaan suurin osa ajasta kuluu opiskeluun ja ehkä vähiten aikaa menee nukkumiseen koska yksinkertaisesti ei vain ole aikaa tehdä kaikkea. Yritän kyllä ottaa univelkaa takaisin aina viikonloppuisin, mutta näin alkuun on niin paljon nähtävää..~ Kävin tänään lähettämässä pari kirjettä (joka oli yllättävän halpaa O.o) ja huomenna (tai ehkä kuitenkin ylihuomenna taifuunin takia^^') käyn lähettämässä isomman paketin (kengät) Nooralle. :)) Toivottavasti koko on hyvä, sillä koko-luokitus oli S,M,L ja oma kokoni olisi ollut XL... joten otin L:n^^ Hope they fit~! Tänään illemmalla /yöllä pitäisi iskeä taifuuni aika läheltä (jos ei jopa ihan kohdalta), joten huomenna ei ole koulua~ Junat eivät liiku ja autolla ajaminen on kielletty huomisen ajaksi. Jos ei ulkonaliikkumiskieltoa anneta, luultavasti kerätään kaveriporukka johonkin yhteen paikaan ja vaan hengaillaan koko päivä~

Kaikkea hyvää sinne, anteeksi ettei tule kirjoiteltua tai soiteltua kauhean usein.. yritän tästä lähtien, mutta niin kuin sanoin aika käy ahtaaksi näin ekoina kuukausina^^' Olette tärkeitä, älkää uohtako sitä!! <3

All the best,

PS. I promise next is going to be more pictures but now the wifi is not working properly so the pictures won't download.. >.<

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