

sunnuntai 24. marraskuuta 2013

100日 left!!!

お早う~ Slept late today and still feeling sleepy^^' But managed to do something useful as well^^ I registered myself (finally!) via "matkustusilmoitus.fi" so that the Embassy of Finland, Tokyo knows of my existence in case of an emergency~ Basically you just have to follow the instructions so it's quite easy. :)

AND because I was bored, cause I have to study for tomorrow's midterm exams.. I found myself watching videos about Seoul^^' It's only 100 days before I'll go visit Seoul again with my two best friends (which i really miss <3) for two weeks. Probably going to stay in the same guesthouse 'cause I really liked the free wifi/nice staff/free breakfast/good location -combo^^ There are still lots of new places to see and visit so can't wait~ And of course Noora wasn't with us the last time, so we are probably going to visit some of the places we visited last time, again~ Can't wait to see you guys, love ya! <3 Here is something I really miss about Seoul: for Annika to remember, and for Noora to look forward, and for the rest of us just simply enjoy ^w^
Seoul metro song

I have missed you<3, though my favorite still is the first one of these two:

I have been missing you Korea <3 Now only 100 days left and we'll meet again~^^

All the best,

3 kommenttia:

  1. OMG, it's only 100 days left O.O!?!?!?! *PANIC!!!* >~<' And also excited to see my Best Friend after so long time, 177 days is way long time apart TTATT

  2. Now it has been 89 days since Seoul and still another (OMG!!!) is it exactly 89 days before we see again O.o おもしろい~^^
