

perjantai 29. marraskuuta 2013


= Today, really tired... >.<'

Finland's flag was at the other side^^' Anteeksi~

I won't do a "proper" post today, but just because there hasn't been any for a couple days I think I need to put up some pictures of what's happening right now^^' So the reason why I'm this tired is because we are having an International Fair "festival" at the moment in our Tokai University Shonan Campus~ It takes only two days but we have been preparing for the event.. Our stand is for the "Nordic countries": Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Denmark.

>>Also last night, because our theme is Christmas (how surprising..^^') I just HAD to go bake some of the Finnish traditional Christmas pastries called "joulutorttu" ^^' Was fun making them all alone in the empty kitchen.. while in the middle of the night there was a quite big earthquake.. but thankfully Japan has taught me, that the earthquakes happen nearly every day so it's nothing extraordinary ^^

Team Nordic countries~ at least part of it^^'

Our Christmas theme~ Denmark^^

Finland~ and Korea^^'

In the Saudi-Arabian room

the girl from Oman, who did an amazing hand-art~

Cammie and me

(Cammie and Rachel doing the hula-dance)

After all have made LOTS of new friends and spoke japanese these few days~ Has been quite fun! <3

Ah, almost forgot! We had a Tokai University Shonan Campus speech contest on Thursday, thankfully we didn't have to participate cause it was scary enough to even watch >.<' But everyone did well and my favorite was Saudi-Arabian girl whose topic was "日本語上手ですね", so basically when you speak with japanese people... and there first sentence after you have said something is always "Your japanese is very good!" .. which is hardly never the case^^' XD Really liked the topic~

Okay, well after all i did the whole post... well^^' good night~  お休み、また明日!

All the best,

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