

perjantai 13. joulukuuta 2013

International Friday Night 3 -party

A BIG thank you for the people, who organized the event~!!

Tireeeed...... >.< Just got home from the International Friday night -party (and by the way today is Friday the 13th! though... it was a pretty good - like a normal day ^^) Some of our friends organized the events so I kinda was obligated to go, but it was quite fun~ Obviously the theme was Christmas and it was a japanese party so no alcohol (of course because it was on school's property) and pretty much no dancing either... BUT after some foreign students made the awesome dance-moves, everybody got to the dance-mood :D It got better - the band and the singers were amazing~ Food was also surprisingly expensive-looking O.o All-together, not bad at all! ^^

People dancing (which is NOT so common in japanese parties.. ^^')

"...We are the world, we are the people...!" *singing*

Holiday in the middle of the week (Wednesday)

I was supposed to sleep late (well, I did .. till midday ^^') and then just chill-out, but I ended up going to Harajuku for shopping with Cammie and Rachel~ Kind of an "out of the blue" -idea for me, but it turned out to be a very good one :D I managed to buy a LOT of Christmas presents! :) AND I got to visit one of my favorite stores ~ Long time no see Forever21! <3 The most surprising thing was, when we ate lunch at Wendy's burger restaurant (We don't have that in Finland so first of all, I didn't even know what kind of restaurant it was, when we walked in... lol :D). BUT.... They played FINNISH music there!! OMG, it was so-really-very-much strange! :D

Wendy's burger restaurant in the Omotesando (表参道)

Omotesando street (表参道)

Normal School day and the final まとめテスト

The last まとめテスト(Summary test) before Christmas is finally over! ^^ Feeling relieved~ Now I only have to give a speech (which I haven't practiced at all yet...) but it's pretty simple and then cook some Finnish food/desserts for our class' "the international food" -day... >.< I was planning to make an apple-pie and a mango-cheese cake... but I don't know if I can find the ingredients..let alone to make them! XD Well, we'll see~

class board with all of our classmates pictures

me and Cammie :D

Couple of korean guys made food for us ^^ <3 (as a Cammie's farewell party)

All the best,

2 kommenttia:

  1. Luckily u have a baker as your best friend ;DD Oh well, I'm other side of the world but I'll try to help u ^w^'
