

perjantai 14. helmikuuta 2014

Another snowy day in Japan (日本での別の雪の日)

The face says it all..^^'

Happy Valentine's Day, ハッピーバレンタインデー, 해피 발렌타인 데이,
There was yet again, another snowstorm in Japan today and its still going on~ Probably going to take the whole weekend^^' Over 680 people have been injured and 16000 homes are without electricity O.o Also many flights and trains (mainly shinkansens, the long-distance-trains) have been cancelled and some taxis have taken a day-off because they don't have proper equipment (tires) to drive in the snow.

BUT, nevertheless what comes to us, we had a funny day at Ebina watching a movie (Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit/エージェント:ライアン) and eating (surprise surprise..^^') sushi~

Ebina station (again :D) and ken


Ken and Rachel trying to see to the near table.. ^^' The guy was giving a valentine's gift~

Tokai Daigaku-mae

Happy Valentine's <3

The hill to the campus.. >.<

..."No more snow, please~!"

Tokai University, Shonan Campus

Campus pics

The smoking are full of snow~

The rest of the day I spend studying korean and watching olympics (figure skating) :) Tomorrow more korean i assume, cause i don't think I'm going anywhere in that weather :D They say tomorrow it's better to stay indoors anyways, though the poor students who have to go to the University entrance exams are gonna have to fight the storm O.o 頑張って!!

And BTW we had already 2 short electricity power cuts in last 15 minutes... ~.~ I just hope there isn't gonna be any bigger ones.. cause well, I can manage the cold with all my blankets but I have no candles bought yet and MOST IMPORTANTLY I cant see the ice hockey game (FIN - NOR) if the internet doesn't work >.<' So please wind, I can hear u loud and clear, so just calm down~!

All the best,

4 kommenttia:

  1. There is more snow than here :dddd !!

  2. haha XD Only today~ after weekend it's probably gonna melt >.<

  3. Hello!
    I'm from Norway, and studying japanese at university. I'm thinking of applying for Tokai University this fall. But I wonder how many exchange students that go there? Do you live in the dorm, and how do you find it?

  4. Hi!
    First of all, thank you for commenting and Im really happy that you are interested about Tokai^^ I don't knw the exact number of the exchange students in Tokai University, but based on what I've seen I would say about 100 exchage students and couple of hundred international students who study at Tokai. What comes to the dorm, I think it's a good place to live, cause u get to know the people easier and the payment is low. The bad side is of course that because u share a room u won't get as much privacy as u might want^^'
    Hope this helped u on your decision and good luck :)
