

maanantai 10. helmikuuta 2014

B.a.p - here we come!

B.a.p's newest album~

Omo-omo-omo-omo.. O.o !!!!!

I love u Annika!! <3 We got the tickets to B.a.p's concert in Seoul next march 8th!! I'm am SOOO excited about it~ ^^

Found it on the internet and it was so cue i had to show it to everyone (all credits to the maker~)

AND, because the Valentine's Day is approaching I got a gift-package from my family, thank u <3 and the awesome picture from my sis <3 that I will treasure^^ I haven't opened the gift yet (expect all the chocolates XD) cause i'm gonna wait till 14th of February (next Friday), but I'm still feeling so very blessed <3

thank you <3

Also, planning our trip to Kyoto and Osaka today and maybe going there on 18th of February so next week~ We-ll see :) Missing u all and only 21 DAYS - 18 HOURS - 52 MINUTES till I meet my dear friends/sisters!! <33

All the best,

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