

sunnuntai 16. elokuuta 2015

1st place in the Korean Speech Contest

In our University of Turku, the Centre for East Asian Studies of the University of Turku, the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, and Pusan National University organized the 2015 Korean Speech Contest in Turku on Tuesday, 12 May 2015.

​The event wanted to welcome contestants to demonstrate the results of their Korean language learning in anticipation of joyful atmosphere, good prizes, and the Korean Food Event later that day.
The contest categories were Beginner (3-5 minute speech) and Intermediate and advanced (3-5 minute speech), and the main condition was the participant had to be a student. Also the topic was free to choose and the speeches were then evaluated by the jury by content and organization, grammar and vocabulary, pronunciation and fluency and the manner of presentation and engagement with the audience.

Our class teacher was really eager for us to participate (well, we were the home university after all~) so, to do this, we had a speaking class after our own classes once-twice a week with our exchange students from Korea to help us to practise more speaking. Of course putting it this way, it sounds quite unfair to the other participants, but considering that our class had studied Korean language less than a year, I think it was only fair~ First it was pretty hard, taking that not many of us had used Korean language outside the classroom that often, or at all. But the best thing, I think was that we became friends with each other and the study was made fun, so everyone felt happy to do it~

I held my speech on the topic of "나를 행복하게 하는 것, 음악" (freely translated as "The thing, that makes me happy, music"). I'm really not good at making speeches, cause I get easily nervous and don't feel so relaxed when so many people knowingly evaluate my doings, but I was really happy I did it after all^^

I won the 1st price in the beginner category, which included a round-trip air tickets to South Korea and visit to Busan! O.O Also^^, congratulations to the winner of the Intermediate and advanced category: Eeva, from the University of Helsinki.


Spicy stir-fried pork

Glass noodles with vegetables


The rest of us relaxing after the contest and the food event^^

So THIS all means, that I'm going to visit South Korea once again this December (from 28th of December to 16th of January). And surely, I'm not going alone :D even though, I want to explore the South Korea by myself too, for the first week, Annika (of course :D) and her colleague from work company me on my trip^^ Also after getting to know Eeva, we decided to travel together, to- and from Seoul + the trip to Busan :)

I'm really looking forward to all of this <3 <3

Also, because there wasn't many post written in May, the hanami-festival also was left un-updated and so~ The event was held in cherry blossom park in Roihuvuori, Helsinki^^

me, Annika, Noora and Miia ^^

Our home-made lunch~

and desserts~

The place was packed

driving back^^

All The Best,

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