

perjantai 2. lokakuuta 2015

One week of my everyday life: 7/7

So this post was supposed to be done on Wednesday, but as u can see I'm a little late with this^^'

I had my first lecture on the compulsory course named the "Introduction to the voice communications at workplace". The course deals with different kind of meetings and preparing and presenting presentations etc. On the first lecture we got to introduce our someone else to everyone in a "morning television interview-style" which we would be seen as reporters/interviewers:) It was quite fun in the ~ even though I still don't like to be the center of attention or at stage in front of everyone^^'

The bus I'm taking every morning~

Afterwards I went to CEAS to buy my Japanese book and then for a cup of cafe at the near cafe called the "Naantalin Aurinkoinen"^^ Also had to finish some filming for the other course so headed back to the university (haha yeah, we needed to do a video for the course^^').. It was about non-verbal communication so we did bunch of clips about different situations and then later put them together via video-maker~

My new Japanese books^^' It's the same level as I already studied in Japan, but I forgot A LOT in a year so I think I need to do some reviewing~ :D

On "the hill" of our University~

Found this very cute "Happy birthday" - congratulatory meme :P If u would translate it, it would say something like: "+ 1 year" & "The delivery arrived!"

It has been SO long since I drank bubble tea <3 Thank you Annika~~

Also (because actually, today is already Friday) :P I'm planning on going to donate some blood later today, but we'l see how that's going to workout ^^ Last time i wasn't allowed because of my very low hemoglobin level >.< But it was before summer and because the deferral of the donation is 3 months, I am eligible to donate as of now^^ I'll let you know how it turned out~

All the best,

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