

perjantai 10. kesäkuuta 2016

Throwback post: My days in Busan, Korea

At morning we had a campus-tour of the University of Busan which, because of the rain, was done buy car and kind of hastily^^' Well~ it was sill interesting and hopefully I have another chance to see this beautiful university one more time someday~

Couple pictures of the campus (from a car, through the window, so I apologize for the bad quality^^')

more of the campus~

After the campus-tour we went to eat at the mall-like building right next to (almost AT) the campus. We DID say we would like to eat something korean... but oh-well^^' our guide wanted (apparently) eat something european so we went to eat...european food.. haha^^

Next we headed to the Korean maritime and Ocean University which was located at the other side of Busan so we needed to go there by car. It was kind of interesting and I even got to steer a ship (well, it was a simulator but~).

Korean maritime and Ocean University

a ship :D I can't remember the story behind it but the students use every no and then~

bye-bye and thank you for having us:)

Next was a maritime museum which we stopped for an hour or so, to look around for a bit~ It was also very interesting but because of the lack of sleep I was very tired..^^' ..was probably yawning all the time>.<'

maritime museum

There was also a small aquarium inside~

After our tour the guide dropped us at the Busan train station where we said our goodbyes and sat down to wait for Annika and Ida~ Eeva was leaving for Seoul because of her China-trip coming up, but because I had my Japan-trip starting tomorrow~ I stayed with Annika and Ida for one more day at Busan^^

Our coffee-time/dinner at the Busan train station~ The coffee-mug was pretty cute <3

After Eeva left to Seoul (we did have some problems with that too^^' well, not so unusual, it is us after-all :D >> Eeva had the right time and all on her ticket, but instead it being from BUSAN to SEOUL.... well, it was from Seoul to Busan^^') but well, Eeva went to chat with the ticket-sails personal and so after Eeva's new train left I headed to the same hostel as where Annika and Ida were staying because it was the most convenient way of handling one more night at Busan:) Of course I had booked a room in-advance haha~

Later on we decided to try the spa/Jjimjilbang (hot-rooms aka saunas and baths) because they are pretty famous in korea and we didn't have the time (or guts^^') last time to try and go find one~ So this time we did^^ And choose one of the biggest in Busan: SpaLand at shinsegae (shopping-mall), very recommended!

Next morning at the near cafe with the girls~ Had to grab some breakfast before heading to the airport and they wanted to tag-along/say the final goodbyes before the-ultimate-separation T.T :D At least in korea^^, next time we would meet, would be in this small country called Finland..in some small town..probably called Helsinki ;)

On my way to the airport^^ Even though in Korea (or in Asian countries altogether) they have these amazingly clear signs of "how-to-get-to-this-place" and so on, and the routes are always very easy... It was still kinda hard for me to get to the airport XD for my defense, the airport was REALLY tiny.. which means.... well, hard to spot from all the different building I guess :D haha

slowly getting there~

Byebye Korea and Busan, next is Japan and Tokyo <3
Long-time-no-see my other home(country)<3 Missed you dearly~

All the best,

PS. sorry for all the misspellings, wrote this in rush and all, so there just might be..couple hundred wrongs in a text:DD

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